2 Mile Fun Run/Walk on Lance Gulch Road
onsite at
9:30 am
Race begins 10:30 am
The event kicks off with onsite registration for the 2 Mile Fun Run/Walk at 9:30 am at the corner of Browns Ranch Rd. and Lance Gulch Rd.
The fun run/walk is for all ages and abilities. There is no fee to participate in the fun run/walk.
Participants will make a loop on Lance Gulch Road, beginning and ending at the intersection with Browns Ranch Road, and turning around just before the intersection with Highway 299.
All run/walk participants will be entered into a raffle for prizes donated by local businesses.
Pre-register for the run/walk online at walkandroll.eventbrite.com.
Festival at the Golden Age Center
10:00 am
2:00 pm
There will be local organization booths, activities, and food vendors at the Festival at the Golden Age Center.
Interested in having a booth at the festival? Local agencies, organizations, and food vendors are welcome to have a free booth at the festival. Download the booth application here.
Car-Free Play on Lance Gulch Road
11:30 am
2:00 pm
Following the fun run/walk, Lance Gulch Rd. will remain closed to vehicles, which will give walkers, runners, bikers and skaters an opportunity to safely play on the road during Car-Free Play.
Lance Gulch Road will be closed to traffic from Browns Ranch Rd. to CVS so that walkers, runners, bikers, and skaters can safely enjoy Lance Gulch Road while it is free from vehicles. Residents will still be able to access their neighborhoods via Browns Ranch Road and Martin Road.
Anyone under 18 that is riding a bike, skateboard, or scooter must wear a helmet. Free helmets for children will be available at the event for families that income qualify.