Partnership in Action for Trinity Health (PATH) hosted a FREE Virtual Health and Wellness Fair online via Zoom and on Facebook Live the week of April 19-23, 2021 which covered a variety of health and wellness topics.
The Health and Wellness Fair featured presentations by Trinity County Behavioral Health, CalFresh Healthy Living UC Cooperative Extension, Trinity County Public Health, Trinity County Probation, Northern Valley Catholic Social Services, and Trinity CalFresh Healthy Living. The Health and Wellness Fair was facilitated by Tobacco Free Trinity at Human Response Network.
Mindfulness and California Healthy Kids Survey (Monday, April 19, 2021) We heard from Shawna Hanley and Linda Kroner at Trinity County Behavioral Health and learned about Mindfulness and went through a Mindfulness exercise. We also watched a presentation regarding the 2020-2021 California Healthy Kids Survey by Ann Hill from Trinity County Office of Education and Anna Carson from Trinity Together.
Watch the video on PATH's Facebook page:
Planning Family Meals and Dental Health (Tuesday, April 20, 2021) We received a presentation from Elizabeth Riggall at CalFresh Healthy Living titled "My Plate Family Meals". We also watched a presentation from Martha Navarro at Trinity County Public Health regarding dental topics.
Watch the video on PATH's Facebook page:
Youth Vaping and Substance Abuse (Wednesday, April 21, 2021) We heard from School Intervention Officer Carolyn Atterberry regarding youth vaping occurring in Trinity County. We also heard from Justin Henderson at Trinity County Behavioral Health about substance abuse in Trinity County.
You can watch the video on PATH's Facebook page: www.facebook.com/partnershipinactionfortrinityhealth/videos/3976819392372723
Physical Activity and Gardening Tips (Thursday, April 22, 2021) Nick Chandler from Northern Valley Catholic Social Services taught us the importance of physical activity and some great gardening tips.
Watch the video on PATH's Facebook page:
Shopping Smart for Older Adults and HICAP Services (Friday, April 23, 2021) Nancy Quirus from Trinity CalFresh Healthy Living and Michelle Harris from CalFresh Healthy Living gave a presentation on how older adults can shop smart. Also, Judi Lynch from Health Insurance Counseling Advocacy Program (HICAP) gave us an overview of their services and how they can assist older adults.
Watch the video on PATH's Facebook page: